Ergonomic sitting

Dynamic, moving sitting is a crucial factor for high-performing, productive and motivated employees.

The ergonomic design of the working environment and the right choice of an office swivel chair are the prerequisites.


Today's office life is characterized by a lack of movement. In addition, there is the daily sitting during leisure time. Back pain is the result. Dynamic sitting is the best strategy for preventing fatigue and postural damage.

By changing the sitting posture, different parts of the body and muscles are stressed. Dynamic and mobile sitting helps to supply the intervertebral discs with sufficient nutrients and promotes blood circulation, metabolism and breathing. In principle, no sitting posture is correct in the long term; only continuous change from one to the other promotes well-being and health. At the same time, the swivel chair should optimally support the user's body and at the same time encourage efficient movement.

This is the proper way to sit

The best chair is of no use at all if it is not properly adjusted. Pay attention to the following basic rules. But always trust your own feelings!

1. Arms and legs at right angles

Table height and chair height must be adjusted so that the upper and lower arms, as well as the upper and lower legs form at least a right angle. The feet must be able to rest completely on the floor and the arms on the table or lightly on the keyboard.

2. Use the entire chair

The seat should support two thirds of the thighs. The backrest should support the lower and middle back. The lumbar support should be adjusted to your body’s individual dimensions in order to be able to support the spine.

3. Sit dynamically, move around

As you sit, switch between bending forward, sitting upright and leaning back. The backrest should move with you while simultaneously providing support. Stand up every once in a while and work while standing.

4. Sit upright, use the backrest

When your hips are lightly tilted forward, this gives you an upright seating posture and avoids a rounded back. This disperses pressure equally between musculature and intervertebral discs. The abdomen is free and without stress. Circulation in the legs is not impeded.

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